AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Filter problems

Hi guys,

I’m trying to filter by submission date, using the shortcodes or the today’s date default, and it’s clearly not working - things get filtered that shouldn’t, and the other way round. Dates on the jobs seem ok, just the filter looks broken.

Deadline Version: R (e5e231d75)


Hmm, I tested the filters here and they seem to be working as expected. Can you provide screen shots or any other information you think might be helpful to show us how it’s broken?


Ok, check this out.

These are the current jobs, unfiltered: … 0.png?dl=0

Check out the submit timestamp. Some from today, yesterday and a couple days ago.

This is with a ‘submitted today’ filter: … 3.png?dl=0

Nothing shows up.

This is with ‘submitted today after 00h’: … 2.png?dl=0

Again, nothing shows up.

Thanks for the screen shots! I think I know what the problem is.

The dates in the columns in your Monitor are being formatted as “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”, but our filter is using “yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss”, so I think it’s just a regional issue. We’ve logged this as a bug and will try to find a solution that works independently of the regional settings.


Cool, thanks :slight_smile:

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