Bit of background on myself for starters. Max user of 12 Years, Used Vray, Dreamscape, Vue. Done many environmental projects at Taylor James, and also spend a LOT of my time on the water be it on rivers or the sea.
So first impressions of Bermuda beta…
Overall, looks pretty good, for creating vast open oceanscapes it’s very quick, does the job and looks pretty realistic with very few adjustments straight out of the box.
Things I’d like to see… to make Bermuda stand out as the best in the Industry…
Foam : For the sort of scenes you can generate with Bermuda you’d only expect to get a rough surface foam, created at the peaks of waves but then slowly dissipates across the surface. Would require a very intelligent map that would take into account the height and angle of the peak and allow it to dissipate when it flattens out.
Waves: Most open ocean is a vast mess of choppy waters, in especially rough seas the waves will start to break but there’s very little in the way of directionality to these sort of waves and you often get waves coliding together at all sorts of angles. This ‘folding’ and crashing of waves would need some form of integration with particles for foam. (I’m sure Krakatoa could be useful for rendering fine water spray/mist)
Interaction with Land masses, shores, coasts, reefs, beaches, cliffs: Vue is the only tool I’ve seen which has any interaction but it’s completely pants, for a true ocean tool we need to be able to integrate it with land masses so that we can seemlessly go from open ocean onto land. Breaking waves on Beachs, Crashing waves against cliffs, Reefs kicking up Waves, rough water around rockie coastline. I really believe with some simple 2d fluid simulation for ocean swells and some clever awareness that most of the following can be achieved without the need for multiple systems and complex fluid sims.
Shore Breakers: Most rolling waves we’d like to see happen are in shallow waters where the shore height increases causing the volume of water that is moving across it to have to rise up and fold on itself as the top of the volume of the water is moving with less resistance than the bottom of the volume of water, causing the top to roll over the bottom creating lovely waves.
It’d be great to see these in bermuda, even if it was a medium->long shot only feature. Not expecting full simulated water waves like something from surfs’ up. But perhaps using some form of Vector Displacement to fake waves folder and some nice integration with pflow or a map that could make particle emission for spray and foam. Getting info like direction and velocity of particle and at what point the particle was spawned in the cycle of the wave so it would know to be fine spray or some big chunky foam. But to get waves working really nicely in Bermuda then we’d need the following:
Swell, Wave Height and Interval: Waves breaking at the shores are influences by swell direction, height and interval. Direction pretty obvious, anywhere from -45 to +45 degrees from perpendicular to the shore will make waves. Height of the swell combines with interval to make the actual wave height. The interval time needs to be sufficient so that the water has time to retreat between each barage of waves allowing the next wave to power through with less resistance and be a bigger wave. When the interval time is short even with a big swell height the wave height will not be that high. An interval time of say around 15seconds will allow beautiful waves to form even with a swell height of just 6ft.
Wave interval clearly visible in the picture below.
Something that is missing from Bermuda and most other Ocean plugins is ability to simulate correct Swells… and linking this in with Wave direction. Vue does simulate(fake) this which gives reasonable results from a distance. … starttime=
I would have thought it would be possible to create a 2d fluid sim that would take a start point and initial direction and create swell patterns that would cause waves on one side of an island and not the other. Or at least an ability to take a map and use that as the swell direction and speed parameters.
It would help to break up the regularity of some ocean scenes as there’s always a bit of Chaos going on in water that needs to be in any ocean plugin as it creates the realism of water.
Wake and Displacement: For boats and other objects, creates wake patterns automatically. Abilty to have a position controller to keep the object on the surface of the water. Automatically break waves around the object.
Shaders: Shader wise I’m not too bothered about any actual shaders, just maps… getting as much map info out so we can use it to make our own custom shaders. Maps for all different types of foam on the surface, wave foam etc… Or at least Materials that we can customise to output as maps… Our Vray SeaWater Shader we developed for a previous project works brilliant straight away with Bermuda.
Ok so that’s my thoughts at the moment, I know I’m dreaming but I also think a lot of it is possible. I don’t think we should expect to have a tool which we can use for vast open oceans and extreme close-ups of waves. But to have a tool which integrated all the aspects of realistics oceans I’ve listed above and have everything working together with particle systems etc so we could use it for environment animations and would on the whole give some pretty good results.