First render Maya, Naiad and Krakatoa SR

Hi Thinkbox team,

small flood render - 7.5mil particles

big flood rendder - 50mil particles

And also one image fluid and splash - 7.5 + 20 mil

I have question about color setup, you can see on this image that i have two color one for fluid and one for splash, i open py script and setup manualy.

ri.Option( “channels”, “DefaultColor”, (0.178,0.573,0.824) )

Is there any chance to setup this from maya with Krakatoa script, for every loader?



first off - get a license so you can get rid of that watermark - just supply your local computer name and macid for a local license, or for floating - the name and macid of your license server - and email and tell them you are on the beta, your user name and that you need a license for krak sr!

second - cool stuff! i’ll let someone answer the other question…


Thanks Chris,

I got beta last night so this was first test, but yes i will ask for lic.

I want to see for color workflow , so i can render one more test, simulating now.


Hi Igor,

I will post an updated script in the afternoon.
I will also have to fix some code since I wasn’t checking what shader was assigned to the object, and various Maya shaders have different attributes I have to ensure are there before attempting to read them.

In my prototype, I had assumed that the PRT stream would contain the colors (if you resave the PRT from Krakatoa MX with a Magma modifier that controls the color, your PRTs shoudl render with all the gradients defined there).


Hi Bobo,

Thanks for updating script.

I think we can use simple Lambert or SurfaceShader in maya to define color, or just extra attributes on geometry like you have now for prt loader,
so we can pick color there.

Ahh i see, yes i understand for PRT color, my workflow was very simple, sim and export from naiad, and use Maya for render with KrakatoaSR.

But you guys did realy great job.



That would be great.

I have replaced the MEL script in the download area with a version to takes the Color and Incandescence attributes of whatever shader is assigned to the PRT Loader or PRT Volume (or Maya particle system) and checks correctly if these attributes actually exist. To use the Incandescence, be sure to check the “Use Emission” option in the exporter. Note that the PRT Volume has a checkbox to control whether the material assigned to the object should be exported or not. I could add one to the PRT Loader too.

I will have to figure out which attribute to use for Absorption control.

You should create a simple Box or Sphere for the PRT Loader stand-in object and tag that as PRT Loader. I don’t think a locator would accept a shader connection.

Please download from the Builds section of the forum.

Hi Bobo

Thanks for script update, works realy good.

I have problem with camera maya vs krakatoa.

I render geometry with maya software render, but when i render particles with krakatoa, images are not match.
So i manualy type FOV in scene file to find best value.



Thanks Igor,

I will take a closer look at the camera FOV code - there are a lot of places where it could have gone wrong.
The main issues: The Maya Camera uses the Focal Length as primary attribute, the FOV is calculated on the fly but not stored in the Camera. So it depends on the Aperture and the Focal Length and possibly on other factors. Second, the FOV in Krakatoa is provided in Renderman-style - if the Image Width < Height, then the Horizontal FOV is passed to Krakatoa, otherwise the Vertical FOV has to be used.
The Maya export code is loosely based on my Max export code (which matches Krakatoa MX perfectly), so I assume I did not take into account all relevant Maya Camera attributes.

I will look into it ASAP.



are you using krak for the hair, out of curiousity?


Hi Bobo,

i add the part for animation export to the script do u want me to send so u can implement it, or u will do that later?


Thanks alot Bobo.

Chris, this hair is particle object, i use houdini to make hair system and convert to particles, this was from my old test that i did with naiad and krakatoa

and also high res with diffrent color …

I have updated the MEL script to calculate the FOV correctly (hopefully).
Note the script was updated twice, the update at 11:45 am PST adds better support for the 4 Fit Resolution Gate settings (Fill, Horizontal, Vertical, Overscan). Horizontal and Vertical should work ok. The other two SEEM to work ok, but I have to do more testing. Note that we don’t support the more fancy options like Film Offset etc.

I had it planned, but if you have done it already, I would love to take a look at your version.
We might just roll it out as is.

Hi Bobo,

i try new script, download few min ago, but still have same problem, FOV on krakatoa flie is same as before.

I attach scene file with one prt file for body and hair, if you want to try.

This is just if you have time.

Thanks alot


Thanks Igor,

Please switch the Render Camera temporarily to “Fit Resolution Gate” > “Horizontal” until I figure out what I am doing wrong in “Fill” mode. :wink:

Hi Igor,

I updated the script once again after testing all 4 Fit Gate modes in both Landscape and Portrait resolutions with your scene.
All seem to match now, please test.


Hi Bobo,

Thanks let me test.

There is also small bug for prt sequence, but i manage to find workflow, rename files.

if you have for example something like

buda_body.0020.prt and you want to render seq, krakatoa look for file buda_0020.prt

you can see error in when i run bat file

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 133, in
ri.PointsFile ( “C:/buda/prt/buda_0020.prt”)
RuntimeError: particle_file_istream_factory: The input file “C:/buda/prt/buda_0020.prt” does not exist.
Press any key to continue . . .

if i rename then everytihng is ok. just want to let you know


Yes, that is probably my bug in the code dealing with replacing the digits with the actual frame number.
If you put buda.0020.prt in the Loader, I take that and try to remove the frame number, then I generate a frame number from the current frame and replace the original frame number of mine. In the process, I am eating a part of the file name, it seems. Will try to fix it.

Fixed the PRT file name issue. My regex was wrong and it was taking the left-most period as the extension delimiter instead of the right-most one.