I’m fighting with flexLM and can’t find help in the manual.
It took me some time to set up the server, but I had no chance with the client setup. The error message always shows me: “telnet port (23) on node SERVER not respond”
Ups… how to setup telnet to work, Firewall, Nat? Or should it work automatically?
I’m fighting with flexLM and can’t find help in the manual. <<
That chapter was not converted to the online format from the original draft
You can find the original draft in the Builds forum under the title
Documentation - First Draft.
The file is here (but sometimes webboard URLs don’t work as expected. If
this doesn’t work, just browse to the above thread.)
FlexLM does accept license requests on incoming ports, so it is possible
that your Firewall is blocking you. However, I have never seen that Telnet
error before. Likewise, it mentions a server named SERVER, which appears to
be different from your actual server name. My guess is that something is
configured incorrectly.
Feel free to email me privately after reviewing the above document, and I
can try to help you get through the configuration.
- dave
Thanks for the manual… I’ll try that first.
Also it looks more like a general Telnet problem on my computer. As Backburner isn’t work as well… Anyhow Deadline works!
I’ll try to fix that some way…
I stooped thinking about flexLM being a professional tool… it’s really a horror to use it here.
Is there some way to prevent Network machines to search for a licence?
Any other way of Licence the product?