Hey all
I have a prt sequence which I am using in a Frost and I am using custom shapes. I have it set to random shape by ID, but at certain frames I am getting a flicker where all the shapes change. Has this happened to anyone before?
Hey all
I have a prt sequence which I am using in a Frost and I am using custom shapes. I have it set to random shape by ID, but at certain frames I am getting a flicker where all the shapes change. Has this happened to anyone before?
Does the source have an ID channel? If not, the Index of the particles will be used, and if a particle is moving between groups in PFlow/TP, its order in the stream could change.
Does the source have a unique ID channel? If you have partitions from Krakatoa for example, ID channels won’t be unique as each sequence will repeat the same IDs.
Describe where the source sequence particles are coming from and look at their ID channel using the Krakatoa Particle Data Viewer tool.
The are coming from Pflow. How can I insure the ids stay the same through out the events.
If they are coming from PFlow, the IDs should be consistent since PFlow never reuses IDs.
Can you post an example scene showing the problem?
You have confirmed that the PRT sequence actually contains valid IDs, right?
Can you email me the PRT sequence (or at least a few frames around the problem frame)?
weird. I was setting up a file to send and it seems to be ok now. will send if it comes up again.