Hi people nice to be here in the forum, i use max by dos days
i have a question about stoke
id like to use a PRT hair as a force field that can be loaded in to Fumefx
i think that the way is to use the PRT-hair to generate the velocity by the spline then create a Mamga field that can be used in to fumefx as a spacewarp
i did a quick test in the magma field:
input particles - here i added the PRT hair
particle query - here i read the tangents
then i multiply the tangents value and i feed it into the Output velocity
but i don’t get any result…i have no error messages but the force field has zero power
I don’t see the NearestParticle mentioned anywhere.
The correct approach would be:
*Create a NearestParticle operator.
*Drag from Particles input to create InputParticles and pick the PRT Hair.
*Drag from Position input to create a Position inputChannel.
*Click the button Add Particle Query in the NearestParticle to add a ParticleQuery connected to the same input nodes.
*Pick the Tangent channel, output to Velocity, multiplied by some factor.
Without the Nearest Particle, you cannot tell the ParticleQuery the index of the particle to query.
Alternatively, you can
Create a Stoke>PVelocitySplat operator
Drag from input sockets to create InputParticles and Position inputs.
Enter manually “Tangent” in place of the “Velocity” property to expose the Tangent channel.
Uncheck the >Remove Divergence option to get the field verbatim as defined by the particles. If you leave it on, you will get an “uncompressible fluid” field
Connect the Tangent output multiplied by some factor to the Velocity output.
Both do about the same, but the PVelocitySplat produces a cleaner field that gives you more options. However, it might be a bit slower.
To get that data into FumeFX, you can then create a Field Force spacewarp (which has its own multiplier, but it creates an acceleration field and not a velocity field, so it will behave differently). Or you can export the field as FXD files.