Fprime Support?


I noticed on your LW screenshot there is a " use Fprime render" box. Does this mean deadline can support fprime for network rendering, as it is not in the feature list. Thanks

Hi Nick,

Yes, Deadline supports using FPrime to render Lightwave scene files. We

mention this in the Lightwave FAQ, but it would make sense if we

mentioned it on our feature list as well. :slight_smile:



Thanks for the prompt response Ryan thats great news. While I’m here are you planning to develop a patch for the Kray render engine in the future?


I’m not familiar with Kray, so if you could provide us with some

information about it, that would be great! If it has a command line

interface, it should quite simple to add support for it.


  • Ryan

Kray is a third party render engine for LW. Similar to V-Ray…it seems to be gaining in popularity for Arch Viz.

I’m not sure about the technical side but the developers contact can be found here.


Would be great to see it supported!


Thanks for the info. We’ve logged this as a feature request, and we’ll

look at the possibility of supporting it for Deadline 3.0.


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan, very fast support! Keep up the great work!


Hi Nick,

From what I can tell, KRay is a plugin for Lightwave and it doesn’t

have a standalone renderer like FPrime. Can you confirm this? If that’s

the case, I would imagine that this would already work with Deadline,

providing that the KRay plugin is installed on all of your render nodes.


Hi Ryan

Thanks for the update. I’ve emailed the Kray developers as I’m unsure of the

technical compatability. I’m pretty sure its a separate render engine,

although it plugs into LW similar to Fprime.



On 17/04/2008, Frantic_Deadline Listmanager <

Frantic_Deadline.listmanager@support.franticfilms.com> wrote:

From: "Ryan Russell" (rrussell@franticfilms.com)

Hi Nick,

From what I can tell, KRay is a plugin for Lightwave and it doesn't
have a standalone renderer like FPrime. Can you confirm this? If that's
the case, I would imagine that this would already work with Deadline,
providing that the KRay plugin is installed on all of your render nodes.

- Ryan

Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software

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