AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums


hello, we have installed a fresh version of the latest deadline repository

Client are able to connect to the repo and worker get registered, but we can’t submit any job.
Either from a DCC (blender / maya) or from the deadline monitor submit script.

We always get this error. Any tips ?

Deadline Monitor 10.3 [v10.3.2.1 Release (1a66fe40f)]

Submitting to Repository: \\xx.xx.xx.xx\DeadlineRepository

Submission Contains No Auxiliary Files.

Error: An error occurred while trying to connect to the Database xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxxxx. It is possible that the Mongo Database server is incorrectly configured, currently offline, blocked by a firewall, or experiencing network issues.

Full error: An exception occurred while receiving a message from the server. (FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException)

Does the monitor launch? what does the console window say?

the monitor launch, new workers get registered.

Not much on the log, i don’t know if there is a way to increase verbosity ?

ok, pb fixed.
it was the version of mongoDB that was not compatible (v8 i think)

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out of curiosity which db did you go with? I’ve also seen this issue with Mongo7 being automatically installed via DeadlineRepo installer.

I’m testing 6 atm as 5 (which is their compatible version) isn’t available on latest linux OS

Amusingly, about the same time this got posted, i had the same issue. You’ll need to stick to 5.0.x as one of the opcodes used is no longer supported - I did my post mortem up here in the second post for future person who hits the same problem Setting up Deadline - debugging a FranticX.Database.DatabaseConnectionException? - Deadline - AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums (

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