Free Mode Question

Great management software you guys did a great jod:)
I am running the 2.0 demo currently and I am considering purchasing a license.
I currently have only three machines in my farm will be four hopefully soon.

So my question is do I need to buy a license + maintenance for 2 nodes or do I need a license for all four nodes?



Hi John,

Glad to hear that Deadline is working well for you. You will need to purchase a license for all 4 nodes - free mode becomes disabled once you have more than 2 Deadline slaves in your repository. If you would like to receive a quote, you can find our contact information near the bottom of our Pricing and Sales page here:


Ryan Russell

Frantic Films Software


Thanks for the reply.

I’ll take a look at it.

I’ll say it again the software is amazing probably a little overkill for me :P:D but the remote admin, multiple application rendering, ease of use is wonderful.

I’ve only had a chance to test Max and AE, I just noticed you added Maxwell support that should be interesting I have been having limited success with Maxwell’s built-in solution.

We’ve run into some problems with the Maxwell standalone renderer as well. The main one being that if the render errors out, it requires user input before it closes, meaning that Deadline has no way of knowing that an error has actually occurred. Maxwell 1.1 still has this problem. Full details on the problem can be found here:

Hopefully Next Limit can get this problem fixed soon.


  • Ryan

Sorry, wrong link. Try this one. :slight_smile:
