Freeze/Hangs on rendering after opening material editor


Whenever I open my material window and change something in materials(which is assign in pflow) , after changing value and when I do render Krakatoa just hangs up there (showing status : “Transforming Vertics”) and it doesn’t go further. This happens a lot and sometimes max file get corrupted.

so i have to restart max and do changes in material editor then closing material editor and put again rendering, this way it works. But this happens while doing changes in material editor multiple times.

EDIT : I am using last version of krakatoa posted on download page.


The “Transforming Vertices” message means nothing. It is just a hardcoded string in the Render Progress dialog because back in Max 1.0, Transforming Vertices was the first thing the Scanline Renderer had to do :wink:
It would be useful to open the Krakatoa LOG, switch to Debug mode and watch where it hangs when you press Render. It sounds like it is related to creating a new instance of the Krakatoa renderer, but I have never experienced this before.

Also, what version of Max (2008, 2009, 32, 64 bit?) are you using?

I am using max 2009 64bit.

I am not sure with 32bit versions… hehe loves to use so many particles with 64bit.

I will see about that debug mode… havn’t used it before.

I tried to get the problem again in debug mode.

It happens when I open material editor and change something in material editor in respective material. I also use noise map in opacity slot to control opacity.
when it happens in “Transforming vertics” , I am also unable to look at log.

but when I tried multiple times after restarting max, I did same to get error, but this time when I pressed “Render” button. nothing happened and I was able to look at log.

Here I attach the log. error is at the end.

kraka_prob.log (21.8 KB)