Frost and motionblur problem?


I found and went through the TB motion blur article already
( but I still seem to be
having issues with vray and motion blur. I broke it down and pretty much made the
exact same thing in that example.

We’re using max 2010, frost and Vray 2.25.01

A standard Particle Flow system set to Speed with Divergence of 30.0 degrees, Reverse
direction and default amount of particles.

I get this.

Normal, just like the example, I enable Motion Blur in the V-Ray Camera rollout and
leaving all settings at their defaults. I get the following result:

No motion blur, all the particles move and note the weird meshing at the base.

If I try and change the motion blur mode from ‘frame velocity offset’ to another option
it crashes vray. And if I try to change any motion blur setting in vray, say interval
center to 0 I get really weird results like this:

Has anyone else had this problem? I figured I should break it down to as simple as I
can go and its still not behaving as I would expect. Am I missing a simple step or…


You will want to keep Frost’s Motion Blur Mode set to “Frame Velocity Offset”.

Are you using distributed rendering?

Yeah, I figured as much to leave it on “Frame Velocity Offset” but was seeing if it made a difference in the other modes.

Nope, no distributed rendering. Ive tried it on a bunch of machines at work. All seem to be getting the same result.
The example made it look so easy ha ha, and I tried that to the letter but did not get the same result at all. We are
using a nightly build of Vray, so its not a point release. I wonder if the boys changed anything to do with motion blur
in vray? I can get a velocity channel out of frost when I disable motion blur.

I just updated to V-Ray 2.20, and I can reproduce this problem now.

Thank you for you report! I will look into this.

You may be able to work around this problem by adding any modifier to the Frost object. For example, try adding an XForm modifier with no transform. Does motion blur work correctly now?

(This seems to work even if the modifier is disabled.)

Hey, that worked!

Thanks for that, the world makes sense again.
