Frost Back to Instances

In the tutorials a sphere’s verts are turned into teapots…How would easily extract those teapots to instances of each other…ie really only
using frost for positioning?

Add as many “instanced” teapots to the Custom Geometry list as there are verts. Sounds kinda silly though without knowing what your end result is. This doesn’t make all that much sense as using a particle system for something like this would. But, like I said I don’t know what your intended result is. :slight_smile:

hmm…let me see if I can give a bit more detail. Let’s say you were asked to create a tower/pyramid of cars, let’s say 100. I can take a cone
or similar shape and assign a proxy car per vertex using frost to quickly establish spacing and shape of the tower. The problem comes when
I want to use High res cars. I can far more easily render 50 instances of 1 car vs 50 cars combined into a giant single mesh.
So Far I have used frost to develop the shape and generate a point cloud…to which I instance each car part, my remaining issue is orientation.
I looked at particles and I can almost get what I need there…however I need to be able to tweek individual “cars” by hand.
Japanese armour … r:15,s:421

might be another example…assuming each plate needed enough detail such that individual instances would render more cheaply than a single piece.