Frost geometry mesh colored by texture map of original model


I have a project where the client is looking to create a pixel like character from an existing 3d model. They converted the model into a PRT volume using krakatoa, and then used a frost geometry mesh to achieve the boxy particle look. The result using the geometry mesh looks pretty good but it is missing the texture color. I have been working with Magam editor to try to map the textures to the mesh but without any luck so far. I have followed this tutorial on thinkbox site … el-grid-c/ section: “Consistent Materials with Animated Source Mesh” but no luck so far.

other info: the included texture map is in 4 separate bitmap files
the source geo WILL be animated
Here is the reference clip: Donkey Kong is similar to what they want to achieve using different character.
Any suggestions would be great

Here’s one approach that doesn’t use Magma:

  1. Create a teapot.
  2. Create a PRT Volume, and set its source to the Teapot. Set the spacing as desired, and disable “Jitter Position”.
  3. Create a Frost node, and add the PRT Volume to its Particle Objects list.
  4. Change Frost’s Meshing Mode to Geometry.
  5. Change Frost’s Particle Geometry type to Custom Geometry.
  6. Create a 1x1x1 cube.
  7. Pick the Cube as Frost’s Custom Geometry (in the Particle Geometry rollout).
  8. Set Frost’s radius as desired.
  9. Add the same material to both the Teapot and Frost. (You don’t need to assign a material to the Teapot. I just did that for the sake of demonstration.)


You can also do this by setting the particle Color using Magma:

  1. Create a Teapot.
  2. Create a PRT Volume, and set its source to the Teapot.
  3. Add a Magma modifier to the PRT Volume. In the Magma modifier:
    [list=1][*]Add a Color output node.
  4. Add a InputTexmap input node.
  5. Set the InputTexmap’s to the desired texture map.
  6. Connect the InputTexmap node to the Color node.
    [/:m][]Create a Frost object.[/:m]
    ]Add the PRT Volume to Frost’s list of Particle Objects.[/:m]
    ]Change Frost’s Meshing Mode to Geometry.[/:m]
    ]Set Frost’s Radius as desired.[/:m]
    ]Change Frost’s Particle Geometry type to Box.[/:m]
    ]Create a Standard material. Set its Diffuse slot to a Vertex Color map.[/:m]
    ]Assign the new Standard material to Frost.[/*:m][/list:o]

The result should look the same as the image I posted above.

Thank-you for the quick and detailed response. Both methods worked beautifully. You guys rock!