Frost Material Error

I am trying to load 10 separate geos in frost and when I get past 8 I get an error when I attempt to run get material from reference objects.

The message is: Runtime error: Assignement failed, possible dependency loop, Bldg08_mtl:VRayMtl

As soon as I take one less geo out of the included list in Frost this error goes away. I tried it with different geo but it still throws the same error. It would seem that I can’t go past 8. Each one of these geo’s has a multisub material that can get quite large, so It’s probably safe to say that in the end there would be one multisub that could be over 1000 sub materials or more, but I am not sure if that is a limitation or not.

Is there anyway I can get around this issue? Thanks.

best, Christian

I don’t know about this issue, hope someone can help him

Not sure exactly what is going on, but “possible dependency loop” makes my think maybe that material somehow relies on one of the other objects (like a Falloff or other map that references that object).

Have a look at your materials and see if any of them reference other objects in any way.

That’a probably what it was, the materials themselves were a bit janky. They were imported obj sub object materials that had over 100 sub materials per item, anyway, I got around it, that job feels like a lifetime ago.

Yeah, I realized your post was old right after I replied :wink:

These forums are so inactive that the most recent posts are pretty old!

I think part of that was likely moving to this horrible excuse for a forum called Discourse. Wow! PhpBB or ANYTHING is better than this. It really feels like it was designed for teenagers used to Instagram.