[size=200]Welcome to the Frost MY Beta![/size]
[/size]Frost is a particles / point cloud mesher. It implements several marching cubes algorithms, as well as a replacement mode to substitute each particle with a custom mesh shape.
Frost will be installed for all supported versions of Autodesk Maya available on the specific machine.
After installation, launch Maya, go to the Plugin Manager and enable Auto-Load, then restart Maya. Note that in the current build, enabling the Load option might not be able to load the plugin, so a restart is required to auto-load it. Once loaded, a Frost shelf will be added to the Maya UI, providing several Frost creation icons, as well as a PRT converter icon.
[size=150]Data Sources[/size]
Frost accepts data from two major groups of sources - files on disk, and scene nodes.
Supported file formats include:
- Thinkbox PRT files (used by Krakatoa)
- Thinkbox SPRT files (used by Sequoia)
- RealFlow Particle BIN files
- RealFlow RPC files
- Comma-Separated Values (CSV) text files
- E57 LiDAR files
- LAS and LAZ LiDAR files
- Leica PTG, PTS, PTX LiDAR files
- PLY files (using only the vertex position channel)
- Any text files containing lists of values
Supported scene nodes include
- Maya particles
- Maya nParticles
- Maya PolyMesh Vertices (including other Frost nodes)
- Krakatoa PRT Loader objects
- Krakatoa PRT Volume objects
- Krakatoa PRT Surface objects
- Krakatoa PRT Fractal objects
[size=150]Meshing Modes[/size]
- Union Of Spheres - in this mode, each particle has a spherical influence, and Frost will create an iso-surface without any blending. No additional controls are available.
- Metaballs - this is the classical marching cubes implementation. Additional controls over the scaling of the influence radius and the iso-surface threshold will be available.
- Zhu/Bridson - this mode adds a blend radius value which helps smooth out the surface between particles. It is based on a paper about simulating sand as a fluid, but is very useful for general fluid meshing.
- Anisotropic - flattens the surface based on the distribution and influence of neighbor particles.
- Geometry - each particles will be replaced with a mesh, either a pre-defined primitive or a custom shape from a list. Additional orientation controls are available.
[size=150]Major Meshing Parameters[/size]
- Radius - The Radius value is usually applied to all particles and defines the influence of the particle on the mesh, or the size of the shapes in Geometry mode. The value can be randomized based on the ID of the particle, or on the Index if no ID is available. The value can also be controlled by a Radius per-particle channel.
Quality>Resolution - the Resolution values are separated for the Render mesh and the Viewport mesh, and can be specified either as Relative to the maximum radius value found in the data stream, or as an absolute spacing in world units. In Relative mode, changing the radius will automatically adjust the spacing as a fraction of the maximum radius, thus adapting to the data, but possibly missing fine detail when the difference between the smallest and the largest radius is significant. In Absolute mode, the spacing remains constant and would capture finer detail, but result in denser meshes when the maximum radius is very large.
Frost defaults to Relative meshing quality with the Viewport set to 1.5x the maximum radius, and the renderer set to 3.0. For example, if the Radius is set to 3.0 units, the resulting render time spacing will be 1.0 unit. While the Viewport quality is set to half of the render quality for speed, you can set the Viewport ot the same value as the Render value to preview the full mesh in the viewport. - Vertex Refinement - separate controls for Render and Viewport, this option adjusts the vertices of the mesh in multiple iterations to closer match the underlying iso-surface. The Render iterations are set to 10, while the Viewport does not perform any for performance considerations. However, this process is relatively fast, so you can usually increase both without losing much speed.
- Mesh Relaxation - when enabled, this performs a regular mesh relaxation on the resulting Frost mesh (when not in Geometry mode). Known issues: Currently the Iterations value is limited to 20. Also, while the Relaxation rollout will not be displayed in Geometry mode, if it was enabled in one of the marching cubes modes, it will still be applied to the Geometry mode unless turned off manually. These issues will be fixed in an upcoming Beta build.
[size=150]Geometry Meshing Mode[/size]
- In Geometry meshing mode, each particle will be replaced with a mesh shape. Several pre-defined primitives can be selected from the list of Geometry Types, including Plane, Sprite (3 crossed planes), Tetrahedron, Box, and Sphere. The last option is Custom Geometry, which offers a list of mesh nodes to pick from. The assignment can be performed by cycling through the list, at random based on the ID channel of the particle, or using a ShapeIndex channel.
- The Orientation controls let you rotate the particles to look at a specific node, match the orientation of a specific node, rotate based on an existing quat Orientation or on any Vector channel, or assume a user-defined orientation. In all cases, an additional variation (divergence) which can be in 3D or limited to a specific world or local axis can be provided.