If the FROST object is hidden I would expect not to update the mesh, as all the update settings is telling not to, “frost changes” and “particle changes” OFF, but it still does and cost time.
On the other hand on MAX Autosave FROST is also updating meshes regardless if they hidden or not. same on load scene with hidden FROST objects.
Please make sure you notice it also updates on scrubbing when both “when frost changes” and “when particles change” are checked off. Hidden or not.
Also, that’s more of a feature request then a bug , but I’d expect frost not to calculate on render when it’s visibility is 0 and when it’s not visible to the camera.
These checkboxes control whether to react to parameter block changes and to notifications from other objects. Neither controls time changes. We might want to have a third checkbox “when time changes” and when you uncheck all 3, it will go to “manual mode” where you must press the button to update.