Frost Py

A standalone linux/windows version of Frost is coming - with a similar python based interface as Krakatoa SR.
Anyone interested in testing it please respond to this thread.

in case you dont know what frost is - it’s our high-particle-count mesher. use it with particle data from naiad, realflow etc or mesh your giant LIDAR datasets.



Hi cbond,

Ah this is very interesting news, I am very interested to try.


Yea, you can count me in too :slight_smile:


We’d love to try it here at luma as well.

much interest here !

Hi cbond,
sounds very interesting, I like to mesh the naiad base simulation and render the splashes with Krakatoa SR

well, it’s finally getting close. i think i jumped the gun before! frost py beta should be starting reasonably soon. anyone on this forum interested?

also - we need more krakatoa SR feedback!! it’s nearly release time!



great - i think the forum is ‘live’ so you can start reading documention and download the first build!


It can mesh lidar datasets?? :open_mouth:
Wow I would love to see that!!

Where do I sign up? :slight_smile:

send an email to


hey! has anyone joined up on the frost py forum? the list is nearly silent!
