Frost-Realflow error (non-finite position value)


I’m brand new to frost, but I’m getting this error on random frames:
“ERR: BuildMesh: particle_grid_tree::insert() - Attempted to insert a particle with non-finite Position channel value ([1.#QNAN, 1.#QNAN, 1.#QNAN]).”

I’m attempting to frost-mesh some realflow BIN particles, via a PRT loader. I don’t get the error on every frame, but when I do, I get no mesh. The PRT loader doesn’t seem to complain, as I can show it’s particles in the viewport. Is there any workaround?



I think we changed this to a warning instead of an error in Frost 1.3. Could you please try this again using Frost 1.3? You can download it here:

That appears to have fixed the problem locally. Now to install the beta on the render farm. Thanks for the fast response! :smiley: