Frost with 2x PRT Loaders

just noticed that when i have one frost object with 2 prt loaders as particle objects, it will mesh the first one u select, and adding a 2nd one (usually ) also works
but in my case the one prt loader stops when the 2nd one begins
and for somereason that leads to the mesh of the 2nd prt loader disappearing

i created a new frost object to make sure, selected the 2nd prt loader, that meshed, selected the first one, and then that meshed, but when going in timeline to where 2nd prt loader starts, theres no mesh

I can confirm this, I have seen it before BUT I was unable to reproduce it. I just chalked it up to a bad dataset. I re-cached the system and the issue went away.

A PRT Loader cannot just end and another one start, both have to be valid throughout the whole range, either by holding the first/last frame or outputting an empty stream.

Are both set to Custom Range to ensure a valid stream is passed to Frost? (I assume they are, but just checking).

If you have an invalid stream in Frost (on of the two loaders cannot load a PRT file from disk because that file does not exist), no mesh will be created. So use either the PRT Scanner or the range display in the PRT Loaders to ensure everything is green before passing them to Frost. Also see what the Frost Log is reporting during meshing on frames where no mesh is generated - even enable Debug logging and see if anything suspicious is being reported.

Oh, so your particle stream stops? As in “PRT Loader 01” actual frames go frames 0-50 and “PRT Loader 02” actual frames go from 50-100? You would need two Frosts if you are going to do something like that or Limit to custom Ranges or fix you PRT datasets. Let me just repeat what Bobo said :laughing:


i have them on custom ranges

im still waiting for the IGNORE MISSING PARTICLES BUTTON :laughing: