Frosted waterfall

Hi guys,
Here is my latest test of Frost usage.
I used aprox. 200 mil waterfall (can be seen here

Here are some spec on images :
(please forgive me sizes :slight_smile:




How could I resist…


Nice Adam! I really like the turbidity in the first one, with some mist and color by vorticity/velocity its a seller :smiley:

great stuff! siggraph reel 2013? cb


Thank you guys.

cbond> shure, no problem :slight_smile:

I render it with no textures or coloring meshes using KCM couse its just a test. Full power will be released in full project.In next few months, want to show something cooler. But,no details for now.


A frame of that would be epic as a 3d print.

Haa no doubt! That would be cool :open_mouth:

nerds! :wink:

Who wants .PRT of last frame ? (it is few gigs non zipped)

I am a nerd…
PRTs are zipped internally, no need to zip additionally :wink:

Amazing stuff! Would love to have a frame to play with!

Yeah, would be really cool to play with with SR. Do you have the matte objects too?

Wow, madness!