FumeFX Birth Bug

i think im noticing a pretty serious bug,

at first it worked with the new beta, did fume sims, fume birth and follow, seemed to work,
but at a certain point of file iteration , on rendering it just hangs, doesnt respond,

i was going crazy for a lil while, then i switched back to last official build, which solved problem, that was on my one computer, on the other i still had the new beta

now i working on this scene again further, but working on the other computer, with the new beta and when trying to render, it hangs, so i have to install the old version again to have it working

i cant really be more specific about problem, except that it happens with fumefx birth operator,

has anyone had this issue? its weird because for awhile it was working, but now everytime it is not

win7 x64 max2010x64
(same problem with max2012 though)

what i also noticed is that the pflow update at bottom of max doesnot even begin, but due to krakatoa render not getting that far,
in normal krakatoa version it renders fine

I have no issues with this. Can you post an example that is failing for us to test?

jes ill find the naughty scene and post it

just tried again
this scene doesnt render for me,
hangs at render time, with old version works
LGT_particle_trail_d01.zip (37.6 KB)

There was a bug evaluating the lights in the scene. If you replace or delete Light01 (its a LightStandIn), your scene will continue to render. This will be fixed in the next build of Krakatoa.

hah ok

thanks for letting me know!