FumeFX Velocity - Krakatoa hair.

I need some assistance with an effect I am trying to recreate (yes copy). I am sure this can be done in Krakatoa Hair/Krakatoa PRT Hair.

This video says it all…I can not get my head around the setup.


I have my fume FX smoke and velocity driving my Pflow how do I get Pflow to render as hair? Any advice will be much appreciated.


While this is totally doable in the current Krakatoa MX, albeit not exactly with the same tools as in C4D, the upcoming Krakatoa MX 2.5 which we hope to release in the coming days will make this task a lot more interactive and straight-forward. However, the 3ds Max Hair&Fur is not a good candidate for replicating this behavior, I used a simple spline with a PRT Hair to create a hair strand.

I am probably going to record a video as part of the Krakatoa MX 2.5 launch to describe a possible workflow.

In my first test, I aligned the hairs to the particle velocity…
hairyfumeplume.mov (1.99 MB)

I will test some different setups and let you know…

In this example, I have 3 different hair strands in white, green and red, each one with its own unique wavy animation using a Noise modifier.
The FumeFX sim is only 100 frames, so after frame 100 all particles are left to float along their last acquired velocity for 100 more frames.
Render time was between 0.5 and 4.0 seconds per frame, particle count on the last frame was 3.333 million:

thinkboxsoftware.box.com/s/jqhh … ijje4mf334

Thanks for the info this looks great! I ended up just using frost with lots of motion blur. Plus a layer of Krakatoa with “spawn by travel distance” particles with a age about about 7 particles with zero inherited motion. For the moment.

I think your example still looks better. Sorry to ask but can you post a screen shot of how you get fume to drive the hair PRT. No idear regarding the workflow for this.

test_render.mov (2.05 MB)

The basic idea was this:

  • I created a PFlow with FumeFX Birth and driven by FumeFX Follow.
  • I added a Rotation > Speed Space Follow operator to rotate the particles along the Velocity, with X and Y set to 90 degrees.
  • I converted that to PRT (in the current Krakatoa, one would save PRTs to disk, but in Krakatoa MX 2.5 I was able to do it live without saving)
  • I added a Krakatoa PRT Cloner modifier on top of the PRTs from the PFlow
  • I created a line along the Y axis in the ground plane, and converted it to a PRT Hair
  • I cloned this PRT Hair several times and added different Noise modifiers to produce some wavy animation
  • I picked these PRT Hair objects as the sources to distribute with the PRT Cloner
  • I used Magma to control the density of the individual hairs on the PRT Hair, and another Magma below the PRT Cloner to control the Scale based on Velocity, and the ShapeIndex based on ID.

So each PFlow particle was replaced with a hair strand, rotating with the particle and stretching according to Velocity.

I will provide a video tutorial soon.