Ok, so we have been using FU5.2 for a few weeks now, updating the new builds as we get them and running it from a shared drive using ConsoleSlave.exe. Until very recently it worked just fine, one day about a week or two ago it stopped allowing us to submit directly to deadline from FU5.2 with the error:
Error Message |
Script accessed non-existent plugin config key RenderExecutable5_2 |
We had been modifying some scripts so we started troubleshooting it. To no avail, at this point, I have installed a Respository on a VM and moved a slave over to it in an attempt to just use FU5.2 against a single render node and I still get the error. We have dug through a lot of submission scripts and everything else looking for what could be causing this with no luck, any input on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
It seems like somehow Deadline is trying to force FU5.2 submitted jobs into using a command line that doesn't yet exist or isn't exposed for us to modify. Also, submitting jobs from outside of FU5.2 works fine, just using the Monitor job submission scripts.