For some reason your PHPBB is acting a bit wanky, doing a search for “Fusion” and many other variants gave me back “This word is too common to search for” so I pre-apologise if this has been answered already, I really would have loved to be able to search for the answer myself…
Basically we just got a bunch of 64bit workstations and render nodes and we are upgrading everything to utilize it all. Fusion64 being the first of which, as well as Lightwave 9 64bit, the current version of Deadline we are on is 2.7.9178. Obviously the Fusion 64 isn’t supported on the current version of Deadline we have so I am wondering if there is a fix for it, also, with Lightwave we may/may not be using the 32bit version alongside the 64bit in the event of some specific problems. I did find a post about that stating that you just add both the executables to the LW9 path, which is fine, but that post also mentioned a hard switch to force versions for LW but that switch isn’t in the Deadline version we have so I am thinking we are a bit behind.
Forgot to mention, also installing Maya 2008, and looking at the Configure Plugins list of Maya options does not have 2008… Any fix for this one as well?
The threshold for common words is currently set to 5%, and it appears that if we change that value, we’ll have to re-index the forum search. I’ll talk with our IT guys about this.
You are running the current version of Deadline, so you’re not behind in that respect. With Lightwave, you’re probably just using an old script. If you reinstall your Lightwave submission scripts as documented here, you should see the option to force a particular build: … tsetup.php
So far so good, one question I wanted to ask is how Deadline differentiates between the 32 and 64 bit versions on submission, since we will still be running both the 32 and 64 bit versions side by side…
Basically I guess I put the command line path to the 32 and 64 bit versions in the same Plugin Config version in the monitor and somehow Deadline figures out which executable the flow that the user submits needs to go?
Haven’t gotten to the Maya/LW stuff quite yet, working out some licensing first, don’t expect as much trouble with those either, but we will be doing the same thing with LW (using 32 and 64 bit versions on the farm.)
Right, you specify both the 32 and 64 bit executable paths in the plugin configuration, and depending on whether or not you’re forcing a particular build on submission, Deadline will use whichever appropriate render executable it finds first by checking the bitness of the executable. When submitting, Deadline will default the build setting to that of the bitness of the application you’re submitting from, but you can change it before you submit.
So if you’re forcing 64 bit on submission, Deadline will use the first executable it finds in the plugin configuration that is 64 bit. If you choose ‘None’ as the build to force, Deadline will simply use the first executable it finds. If no executable is found, Deadline reports an error (as normal). The Maya and Lightwave plugins work the same way.
Hope this makes sense. If you need to know anything else, let us know!
We tweaked the board today and this should get better within the week… It was returning the same for “deadline” which is a No-No!
Thanks for letting us know!
Bit of a problem setting up Maya 2008 (64bit, haven’t tried 32bit) Submission addon in the application, whenever I copy the 2 mel scripts into the folders maya bombs on startup…