Fusion 8.x linux RenderNode requires - instead of /

Hello guys

We’ve been playing around with Fusion 8 on linux and so far it works for the GUI portion (well not better but not worst …)
The problem is that linux RenderNode takes commands with ‘-’ instead of ‘/’
Can there be a fix to expect in SP17 ?


That seems like an easy thing to implement. I haven’t seen anything for it yet in the issue tracker.

We have some Linux-specific code, but I’m Black Magic have changed things a bit. Do you know which version they decided to change the arguments in? The Python code we currently have to generate arguments looks like this:

    def RenderArgument( self ):
        arguments = "/quiet /listen /verbose"
        if self.deadlinePlugin.usingRenderSlave:
            arguments += " /log \"" + self.deadlinePlugin.logPath + "\""
        if( self.deadlinePlugin.version <= 7 and SystemUtils.IsRunningOnLinux() ):
            return "\"" + self.deadlinePlugin.renderExecutable + "\" " + arguments
            return arguments

That’s essentially just passing the same arguments, but we seem to have supported it via Wine before so the executable path goes there and the arguments need to include Fusion.

There’s a native linux version starting with 8.2
We are currently running 8.2.1

As it is we changed the plugin code for test purposes and the problem remains that FusionRenderNode needs to connect to an X Display which we don’t have in our rendering environment

Do you have any idea on a workaround for that ?

Yeah… You can run a virtual X display and attach to that:

x.org/releases/X11R7.6/doc/ … fb.1.xhtml

There’s a companion OpenGL for non-GPU based machines called Mesa 3D that you can use in case Fusion’s next order of business is to demand that:


I’ve only seen Xvfb on my random sysadmin adventures and haven’t used it firsthand, but I’ve used Mesa 3D a fair bit when OpenGL libraries are missing.

Feel free to use this forum to document / ask questions on your adventures and we’ll see about either stickying the topic or migrating it into the Deadline docs.