Hi there. I have been using Blackmagic Fusion 9 successfully with Windows render nodes. However, I can’t get it to work with mac render nodes.
Below is a render log, I have omitted personal details.
2019-02-22 20:35:03: 0: Loading Job's Plugin timeout is Disabled
2019-02-22 20:35:06: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'Sync Files for Job'
2019-02-22 20:35:07: 0: Synchronization time for job files: 355.924 ms
2019-02-22 20:35:07: 0: Synchronizing Plugin Fusion from /Users/[OMITTED]/Library/Application Support/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/XAQpQzOjDH1Xf9xtxScHBDkxQA/plugins/Fusion took: 0 seconds
2019-02-22 20:35:07: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Sync Files for Job'
2019-02-22 20:35:07: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2019-02-22 20:35:07: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script '[OMITTED]/Fusion.py'
2019-02-22 20:35:08: 0: INFO: About: Fusion Plugin for Deadline
2019-02-22 20:35:08: 0: INFO: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user '[OMITTED]'
2019-02-22 20:35:08: 0: INFO: The job's environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering
2019-02-22 20:35:08: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Initialize Plugin'
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: Task timeout is disabled.
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: Loaded job: ([OMITTED])
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: Executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script '[OMITTED]/plugins/[OMITTED]/GlobalAssetTransferPreLoad.py'
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Looking for AWS Portal File Transfer...
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: No File Transfer controller is available for this platform (darwin).
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Could not find AWS Portal File Transfer.
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process Fusion
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Asynchronous Stdout Enabled: False
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.* Popup Handling Enabled: False
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Running as user: [OMITTED]
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Executable: "/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Fusion Render Node"
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Argument: -quiet -listen -verbose -log "[OMITTED]/jobsData/[OMITTED]/fusionLog_tempxvAaq0/fusion.log"
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Full Command: "/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Fusion Render Node" -quiet -listen -verbose -log "[OMITTED]/jobsData/[OMITTED]/fusionLog_tempxvAaq0/fusion.log"
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: "/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS"
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Process is now running
2019-02-22 20:35:09: 0: INFO: Fusion log file does not exist yet: [OMITTED]/jobsData/[OMITTED]/fusionLog_tempxvAaq0/fusion.log
2019-02-22 20:35:10: 0: INFO: Fusion log file does not exist yet: [OMITTED]/jobsData/[OMITTED]/fusionLog_tempxvAaq0/fusion.log
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG:
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: ---------------------------------------------------
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Starting Fusion Render Node 9.0.2 at 22/Feb/19 20:35:10
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Fusion Render Node
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: ---------------------------------------------------
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Initialising QuickTime
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Checking for licenses...
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading support DLLs
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading fusionoperators
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading fusionformats
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading Plugins
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/3d.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/alembic.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/bins.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:11: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/cinemaraw.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/dimension.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/fbx.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/fuses.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/Krokodove.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/opencolorio.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/openexr.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/openfx.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/paint.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/particles.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/quicktime.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/text.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Loading plugin /Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/utilities.plugin
2019-02-22 20:35:12: 0: INFO: LOG: Initialising Class Registry
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Fusion Scripting has timed out.
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process StartJob
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Update timeout has been set to 150 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Asynchronous Stdout Enabled: False
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.* Popup Handling Enabled: False
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Running as user: [OMITTED]
2019-02-22 20:36:09: 0: INFO: Executable: "/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/fuscript"
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: INFO: Argument: "[OMITTED]/StartJob.eyeonscript" "[OMITTED]" 30
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: INFO: Full Command: "/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS/fuscript" "[OMITTED]/plugins/[OMITTED]/StartJob.eyeonscript" "[OMITTED]/jobsData/[OMITTED].comp" 30
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: "/Applications/Blackmagic Fusion 9 Render Node/Fusion Render Node.app/Contents/MacOS"
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: INFO: Process is now running
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: STDOUT: Fusion Script Interpreter
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: STDOUT: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2017 Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd.
2019-02-22 20:36:11: 0: STDOUT: Connecting to Fusion...
2019-02-22 20:36:12: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 29 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:13: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 28 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:14: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 27 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:15: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 26 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:16: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 25 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:17: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 24 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:18: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 23 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:19: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 22 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:20: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 21 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:21: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 20 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:22: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 19 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:23: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 18 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:24: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 17 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:25: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 16 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:26: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 15 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:27: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 14 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:28: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 13 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:29: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 12 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:30: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 11 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:31: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 10 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:32: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 9 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:33: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 8 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:34: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 7 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:35: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 6 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:36: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 5 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:37: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 4 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:38: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 3 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:39: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 2 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:40: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 1 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:41: 0: STDOUT: Connection timeout in 0 seconds
2019-02-22 20:36:41: 0: STDOUT: ...45/plugins/[OMITTED]/StartJob.eyeonscript:33: attempt to index global 'df' (a nil value)
2019-02-22 20:36:41: 0: INFO: StartJob returned exit code 0
2019-02-22 20:36:41: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Start Job'