We’ve enabled the Draft QT functionality within out fusion submit tool here and it’s working great for one image seqence per comp but seems we’re hitting a snag when we’re writing more than one image sequence from within the Fusion Flow.
You see it’s auto-creating the draft job after the comp has completed and it’s added the (1/2) [DRAFT] part into the name but it’s not added the (2/2) [DRAFT] job that I suspect should follow.
We’re using Deadline 6.0 (final build) is there an event script I can amend for Draft to loop through list of output folders from the fusion job history? Is there a fix in 6.1 I can back port?
Can you right-click on the Fusion job and archive it and post it here? We can drop it into our farm and see if we can reproduce this. From looking at the Draft event plugin code, it should be looping through all output files already…
We were able to reproduce this, and attached is an updated Draft.py event file that should fix the problem.
To install, go to \your\repository\events\Draft and make a backup of Draft.py. Then unzip the attached file to the same folder. Try again and let us know if all the Draft jobs are submitted properly, and if they’re not, please send the log again.