it seems there’s a few issues with the Fusion submission script on Linux. I follow the manual on manual installation, stating to copy the eyeonscript. Which doesn’t work. Copying the .lua script does get picked up by Fusion though. But trying to run it, I get this error:
…agicDesign/Fusion9/Scripts/Comp/DeadlineFusionClient.lua:66: /tmp/deadline_fusion_output.txt: No such file or directory
I was looking at the script code, and I am guessing if iswindows() doesn’t work properly, and it still executes the code in this if statement. As a super cheap hack I tried to remove comment out this piece of the code, but then it errors out with not finding the repository path.
Running Linux Mint, Deadline and Fusion 9 Studio.
having a hard time getting fusion to work with deadline as well, Linux Mint , fusion 16
i keep getting a different errors
Running script Running script “/opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua”
…ory10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua:218: attempt to call global ‘GetLoaders’ (a nil value)
Running script “/opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua”
…ory10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua:218: attempt to call global ‘GetLoaders’ (a nil value)
Running script “/opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua”
…ory10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua:218: attempt to call global ‘GetLoaders’ (a nil value)
Running script “/opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua”
…ory10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua:218: attempt to call global ‘GetSavers’ (a nil value)
Running script “/opt/Thinkbox/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua”
…ory10/submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua:222: bad argument #1 to ‘getn’ (table expected, got nil)
Which version of Deadline are you running?
Looks like the submission script is failing to find the savers and loaders in your scene. Are you getting this issue with every scene you try to submit?
there is still the same error:
… /submission/Fusion/Main/SubmitToDeadlineMonitor.lua:217: attempt to call global ‘GetLoaders’ (a nil value)
With a very basic scene without an loader (what is not that uncommon) I am unable to see the UI for submitting the job popping up.
Also: verey frame that gets rendered with Fusion gets saved as “Filename_0000” - So every frame number is saved as “0000” - Overwrites every rendered frame.