I’m having a couple issues with my scene and I’m not sure if the issues are Krakatoa related or Deadline related.
One issue is gamma correction, or lack thereof. When I am working locally I have my gamma system preferences and render settings set to use gamma 2.2. If I render my scene on my local PC it renders just fine. If I submit the job to Deadline it renders with no gamma correction (gamma = 1). I made sure the gamma settings are correct in my Deadline preferences and when I check the gamma preferences on the job once it has been submitted to Deadline the preferences still look good so I don’t know why it renders without the gamma correction.
I also checked the gamma preferences on my Deadline render PC and they also look good. But here is where I run into a different issue - if I try to do a local test render on my Deadline PC I get a missing file error, even though there are no missing files. I triple checked that the files are all found in the prt loaders that I am using and I don’t get this error when rendering on my local PC. I checked that all my network paths are correct so I’m not sure what else could be causing this error. Could there be another reason I’m getting this error and is there anyway to override this error to get 3DS Max to render the scene anyway?
Any ideas or advice to get the gamma correction to work on my Deadline render PC?
Thanks so much in advance,