Genome_1.1.1.49320_x64 crash to desktop

Whatever the bug was that you fixed already, it still exists inside the loop bodies.

Deleting a magma node causes a Max crash to desktop.

Please provide exact steps! Nothing crashes for me (even with the old build) because I run Max 2013. It was crashing only in 2012 and earlier when deleting an InputChannel from the top level. I have never seen a crash from inside a loop.
Also please note that InputChannel nodes should not be used inside of Loop nodes (we will remove the InputChannel from Depot and Menus when inside a Loop in the future). You can feed in InputChannel data via Inputs into a Loop. Inside the Loop, only the LoopChannel input node is valid.

So please report:
*Exact Max Version incl. Product Updates
*Exact steps to reproduce the crash including the names of every node you made, and if possible, the way you created the node (e.g. keyboard shortcuts, dragging from Depot category, right-click menu etc.)

Thank you!

replication steps:

1: make a sphere.
2: add a genome mod and open the magma editor.
3: add a vertexloopbyedge node by dragging from the depot.
4: enter the loop body and create a input loop channel node by dragging from the depot.
5: select the new node and delete it.
6: BOOM!

3ds max 2011 - 64 - SP1
Windows 7


Reproduced in Max 2012, works in Max 2013.
I bet Darcy knows what it is :wink: