any feedback on genome pricing from anyone? thinking 595 or thereabouts


Couple questions…

  1. Is there going to be a “lite” version that allows you to add Genome preset modifiers an object, but unable to open the editor window?

  2. There’s a couple of things that Genome doesn’t do that significantly limits the appeal. Nothing that Magmaflow doesn’t already have as a limitation, but we’re used to that since we can typically would use TP or PFlow do to those things for us, but with Genome, we’re stuck. Off the top of my head I list…
    a) No looping
    b) No temporal sampling
    c) No topology changes
    d) No spline editing (to a lesser degree, nor any other base object like NURBS)
    e) No controllers

  3. How does this compare to Cortex/Zookeeper?

Not saying anything here would be a dealbreaker, but it’s something we would have to consider. It probably helps that we’re Krakatoa users, so we’re used to the Magmaflow interface (though not as used to it as we’d like to be :neutral_face: ).

I dont believe so, but we can certainly have a discussion about that if there is a need. perhaps a location-based license? e.g. you need at least one seat of Genome, but can pay $495 or something for an additional site license that allows anyone at that location to add or move genone modifiers… what i dont want is for one facility to make dozens of plugins and then everyone OUTSIDE of that facility can use them for free. of course if you meant that a lite version was $295 or something, then that is less of a concern. otoh, if you are htinking $free, then i’m not sure thats a good idea for us. :question:

i believe most everything on that list is on Bobo’s list for 2.0 - but something may slip of course. i wont go into details of each because it isnt necessary - but essentially for v1, all of that is out of scope until later.

I have no idea! the product isn’t out, so afaik pricing and details and so forth aren’t published.



Hmmm… Good point, but maybe free presets get people interested in the full license? But I guess if you end up with thousands of really good presets, then maybe they won’t.

I know in the case of Darktree, they started giving away the Simbiont for free and charging for the editor, then after a couple years said that was stupid and just gave the Simbiont only to licensees of the editor and charged a small amount ($99) for the Simbiont.

Oleg was selling a “lite” version of Box#3 that was set up just like this. I never saw anyone distributing the presets, though, and he no longer sells it, so I’m not sure what happened there, though he’s significantly changed the licensing of Box#3 in general.

It would stink for a TD to come up with a quick fix for a silly little problem and not be able to share that with a client and end up having to rebuild the fix some other way, but if the “lite” version was really cheap, maybe they wouldn’t mind paying for the license? I’ve shared particle fixes via Krakatoa PRT’s, maybe someone in a similar situation would just use XMesh?

Just saying from a competition standpoint (other than XSI and Houdini) that’s what you have and soon will have. I’m sure they’re interested in what Genome pricing will be.

i think that we would just provide an eval or rental license in a case like that. either its free, and thus no license is required - or even if its 49$ a license would be needed and unless we move to nodelocked only and automate keys a la adobe - they would have to contact us to get setup with a floating license etc.

insert giant discussion here about licensing - but for now let’s forego that - how do you feel it needs to work for you guys?

i’m sure - but unless you know of any communication of their pricing structure i dont know what to tell you. we try to be reasonable about our pricing, but we aren’t [and will likely never be] a 99$ tool factory. in my mind, we have a long term commitment with clients through our support and products and we have to ensure we have the resources to execute on that commitment. So - we try not to follow the competitors. if they come out at $99 or $2995 it won’t change our approach.


For us, selling the non-editing license in 10-packs to regular license holders would probably suffice.
Check out the full license only when the editor is open, use the more plentiful license when it isn’t. Something like that.
Render-only licenses are still free, right?

For me as a freelancer, I would be fine with rentals.

  • Chad