Geometry Partilce Option and Supermesher = VP NFU

Frost max2011 x64

Since I don’t have XMesh (or whatever your super mesh cacher is called) :cry: :smiley:

SuperMesher geometry doesn’t appear in viewport.

Seems to work fine at render time.

I was unable to reproduce this problem. Here’s what I tried:

3ds Max 2011 x64
SuperMesher V1.00E (DEMO)

  1. Create a default Particle Flow
  2. Create a Frost node, and pick the Particle Flow as the Particle Object
  3. Switch to Meshing Mode: Geometry. Choose Custom Geometry, and pick a teapot
  4. Create a SuperMesher. Pick the Frost object as the Source.
  5. Press “Record” in SuperMesher

Now the Frost mesh appears as expected in the SuperMesher.

Sorry, I should have posted the scene last night. I don’t have a Frost license where I am at the moment, although I do have the original test scene before Frost. I will post it tonight.

You just gave me an idea :slight_smile: but and forgive me, I should have explained better.

I have the Pflow system and it is added to Frost.

I am using the Meshing Type “Geometry” mode and Supermesher is the chosen object.

So Frost is dependent on SuperMesher not the other way around, sorry for the confusion.

Ahh, right!

SuperMesher geometry works for me, but I found a crash bug in Frost related to the PFlow Shape Instance operator. This may be the same problem. Were you using a Shape Instance operator?

Yes! it is the same scene that I am inquiring about in this thread: How Is GeomTime Accessed

Some type of dependency loop issue? Hadn’t even occurred to me until now.

I simply had nothing to handle the Shape Instance operator :open_mouth:

The bug I found will be fixed in the next build. I hope this will fix your issue too – please let me know!

I did notice if I simply turn the shape instance ops off, it works as expected with Supermesher as the Meshing Geometry object, of course I loose any scale information associated with the operator, which really is no big deal as this can easily be set via Scale op/Box#3/script op.

I will try the next build with a Standard Shape + Scale instead of the current setup.