German Ghost Movie

hi folks,

i want to share a peace of work that i did the last 2 month at the german post production Storz&Escherich with Krakatoa. it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to finish the 47 shots on my own for the german ghost movie “Schreie der Vergessenen”. For all german community members i want to annouce the world premier broadcast today (27.10.) at 20:15 o`clock on tv station Pro 7.
Here are the trailers:
In addition i will thank anselm von seherr thoß (psycosilence) for his awesome consulting :wink:
In the next day i will do an making of, so stay tuned :wink:

Cheers Cruzifer

Cool stuff! would love to link to your making of when you post it, please let us know!


i saw the trailer on pro7 like a 1000 times and thought: thats for sure krakatoa and now i see your post here :smiley: nice work !

Turned out amazing! So stoked to see the trailer on heavy rotation :slight_smile:


looks like some fun and great work!

Cool, looks kinda freaky too, I want to see it :slight_smile:

Thanks for your nice comments :slight_smile:
currently, i am on the next project, unfortunately, and i dont have time to start the making of but right after that i will finish it!

Cheers Cruzifer

i uploaded on my vimeo account an edit of all particle shots:

hope you like it :wink:
Cheers Cruzifer

LOVE the depth of field! And the ghost dispersion “angel” in the end is a hit :slight_smile:
