I’ve playing around with building a custom submission script for submitting RPManager scenes to deadline for scripted submission on the farm.
So far everything is working well, except I need to set the name of the user when RPM does it’s “remote” submission.
What I need to do is insert the user name on the submitting end into the max script file (which I create in the deadline submission script) so it is available on the remote machine.
Now I’ve probably just skipped over it, but is there a function in deadline that will return the name of the current user??
Hi Shane,
You can use deadlinecommandbg with the argument GetCurrentUserName.
Once you run that the output will be saved to
C:\Deadline\temp\dsubmitoutput.txt. The exit code will also be written
to C:\Deadline\temp\dsubmitexitcode.txt if you want to make sure the
command executed correctly.
David Bertouille
Yep!! That’s what I worked out as well!
Actually, I can do you one better:
Set oShell = CreateObject( “WScript.Shell” )
set oExec = oShell.Exec (“C:\Deadline\bin\DeadlineCommand.exe GetCurrentUserName”)
'scriptFile.WriteLine “deadlineUser = “”” & (StringUtils.trim(oExec.StdOut.ReadAll())) & “”""
scriptFile.WriteLine "ShellLaunch ““C:\Deadline\bin\DeadlineCommand.exe”” ““ChangeUser " & (StringUtils.trim(oExec.StdOut.ReadAll())) & “”””
This will basically get the outout directly from the standard out…but it needs to be trimmed as it has a newline appended to the end