Trying to write an error handler that we can use to exclude certain types of sub strings with in an error from causing a Fail.
The problem im running into is i cant seem to get the current stdout line to check against.
Im trying to mimic how maya works, where it will ignore a runtimeerror that occurs when loading a plugin.
im working on the mayabatch.py plugin.
The full error line looks like:
Error: file: /tmp/grape/cheese/berry/rock/nail/construction/1090_construction_6.ma line 115: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Plug-in, "DisplaceD", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.
the call to my custom handler:
self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*RuntimeError").HandleCallback += self.HandleRuntimeErrors
So in the HandleRuntimeErrors method, i can only see that the line is partially stored via:
Error: file: /tmp/grape/cheese/berry/rock/nail/construction/1090_construction_6.ma line 115: RuntimeError
looking through the script docs and all the inheritance of DeadlinePlugin and Managedprocess, nothing jumps out as being able to see the current line
Can someone point me in the right direction?
still using dl
We do not use strict error checking either, as that kills everything