Getting the current stdout line in a plugin with a managedprocess


Trying to write an error handler that we can use to exclude certain types of sub strings with in an error from causing a Fail.
The problem im running into is i cant seem to get the current stdout line to check against.

Im trying to mimic how maya works, where it will ignore a runtimeerror that occurs when loading a plugin.
im working on the plugin.

The full error line looks like:

Error: file: /tmp/grape/cheese/berry/rock/nail/construction/ line 115: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: Plug-in, "DisplaceD", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.

the call to my custom handler:

self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*RuntimeError").HandleCallback += self.HandleRuntimeErrors

So in the HandleRuntimeErrors method, i can only see that the line is partially stored via:



Error: file: /tmp/grape/cheese/berry/rock/nail/construction/ line 115: RuntimeError

looking through the script docs and all the inheritance of DeadlinePlugin and Managedprocess, nothing jumps out as being able to see the current line :cry:

Can someone point me in the right direction?

still using dl
We do not use strict error checking either, as that kills everything :wink:


I think if you want to get the full line, you’ll need to change your match. Try changing your regex to be “.RuntimeError.” (note the trailing .* ), so that the 0 match returns the rest of the line.