I know I can set timeouts per job, but I’m wondering if there is a way to set global timeout values or rules that would then be used as the default for jobs? If we can do this per user or with any other rules that would be great, but anything at the global level would help.
Globally, no. Do you see a need to dynamically change that after a job is submitted?
If not, an OnJobSubmitted event might be perfect solution here. I’d forgotten I’d written it, but you can find a script for that here: github.com/ThinkboxSoftware/Dea … JobTimeout
It’s very good for schools or shared farms where you want to make sure users can’t occupy the farm too long.
Thanks Edwin. I implemented an OnJobSubmitted event based on your code, and it appeared to be working great. So, thanks for that!
But, it seems like our environment (specifically PYTHONPATH) is not being picked up in the event plugin code. It is there in the maya/nuke/houdini session that gets launched, but not in the event plugin. How can I make sure the user’s environment is properly inherited?
If you’re using os.environ[] to set things on the Deadline side it won’t work too well.
You can query the Slave’s environment with os.enviorn, but to set the variable for the rendering application you should set the job’s environment dictionary using job.SetJobEnvironmentKeyValue().