got the following error deleting jobs

Was deleting about a thousand or so jobs, and the progress failed after 33%:

An unexpected error occurred while Deleting Job(s):
Sandbox process exited unexpectedly while waiting for response from Event. (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)
at Deadline.Events.SandboxedEventManager.a(DeadlineMessage A_0)
at Deadline.Events.SandboxedEventManager.OnJobsDeleted(Job[] jobs, DataController dataController)
at Deadline.Controllers.DataController.DeleteJobAndAuxiliaryFiles(Job job)
at Deadline.Monitor.WorkItems.DeleteJobsWI.InternalDoWork()
at Deadline.Monitor.MonitorWorkItem.DoWork()

seems like an isolated incident though, normally it goes through.

Sounds like the Sandbox process that was used for running the event plugins crashed while processing those. Was there anything else in the Monitor’s log that might indicate why?

Were you able to continue deleting jobs afterward or did you have to restart the Monitor? There should be code in there now that will re-start the sandbox in the event of this kind of failure.

Didn’t need to restart the monitor, i just reselected the jobs and deleted them! No further errors were visible