Group in Matte List

I got error when try to render with enabled matte,

when in matte list is some grouped objects.

Screenshot in attachment…

Best Regards,


I got error when try to render

with enabled matte,

when in matte list is some

grouped objects.

Yep, I could repro this. In fact, it looks like the matte object code does not check the class at all, if you add a helper or a light or anything that does not have geometry to the NSS, you would get the same error. It should have skipped anything that does not have a mesh (incl. TargetObject geometry objects).


In the mean time, in order to render using your group as Matte Object, open the Named Selection Sets editor from the main toolbar (to the left of the NSS drop-down list), expand the selection set used for mattes, select the group’s head object and press the (delete) button to remove it from the named selection set.

I could create a version of the KrakatoaGUI for you that checks the class of the objects added, but it would not help if the selection set was created with Max’ own tools. We will fix the renderer instead…

Thanks, that is a BIG BUG you caught!


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

I could create a version of

the KrakatoaGUI for you that

checks the class of the

objects added,

Ah well, it does not hurt to have a temp. fix.

Download the file, copy to

C:\Program Files\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\3dsMax9\Win32

or whatever folder your Max version is using (6,8, 9-64bit),

unzip it to replace the that comes with the Beta.

Restart Max or just drag the script onto the Main Toolbar of Max and reopen the Krakatoa GUI.

If you use the Krakatoa Matte Objects rollout, Create/Update Matte Selection Set button will now filter the selection and only add geometry objects to the selection set.

You can still break it by adding to the selection set using the regular Max tools for NSS management, this will be fixed in the next build of the plugin.

See the beauty of a scripted GUI? Instant fixing + workarounds in a minute :slight_smile:


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

You are fast, thanks :slight_smile:


“just drag the script onto the Main Toolbar of Max”

This isn’t working for me :frowning:

I can’t run Krakatoa GUI external (even if render set to Krakatoa).

It will be cool to register GUI as macroscript and have possibility to run Krakatoa GUI from toolbar, hotkey or whatever :wink:

P.S. scripted GUI is very useful, i have chance to view some interesting upcoming (alpha) stuff ;DDD

Best Regards,


It will be cool to register

GUI as macroscript and have

possibility to run Krakatoa

GUI from toolbar, hotkey or

whatever :wink:

That is even easier:

macroScript KrakatoaGUI category:“Krakatoa”


try(FranticParticleRenderMXS.OpenGUI())catch(messagebox “Failed To Launch Krakatoa GUI”)



Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

Even better - this one will allow you to toggle the GUI on and off and show a checkbox in QuadMenu or a checked button when the GUI is open:

macroScript KrakatoaGUI category:“Krakatoa”


on isChecked return try(

on execute do


if try( then

try(closeRolloutFloater Krakatoa_Gui_floater)catch()


try(FranticParticleRenderMXS.OpenGUI())catch(messagebox “Failed To Launch Krakatoa GUI”)



Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

Thanks a lot :wink:

Best Regards,
