handling frame location on slave

let’s say i have
1 repository server
x slaves
1 file server

the x slaves (win based) have all mounted with the same drive letter (eg Q:) the file server disk where the 3d scene are and where the final render goes.
what i like to understand is if DL is able to launch the render on each slave and tell each slave to render the chunk of frame allocated on their local hard disk, and move only the completed chunk of frame to the fileserver disk.
what i’ve noticed is that slaves who render and saves each bit of data trough etehrnet cause traffic jam.
what i whish is that each slave receive a job. render locally the frames chunk and when it finish move the rendered chunk to the fileserver.
is thare any suggesion to achieve this?
thank you in advance for your time

In Deadline 3.0, some of our plugins support this functionality. For 3dsmax, Maya, Mental Ray, and XSI, there is a Enable Local Rendering option in the plugin configuration that does exactly what you’re looking for.

If you’re rendering with other software, you could set the output path to a local path before submitting the job. When you go to submit, submit in the suspended state. After submission, find the job in the Monitor, and open the job properties. Under the advanced tab, there is an option to specify job scripts. I image you could create a post task script that would copy the output to it’s network location.

Scripting documentation can be found here:
franticfilms.com/software/su … erview.php
franticfilms.com/software/su … cripts.php


  • Ryan