AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

hanging machine

Was trying to update some slaves by sending ‘restart after task completion’ to a bunch of machines and have noticed that they are hanging up on their job, with this being printed over and over into the log:

2014-09-30 10:29:37:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:29:37:  Listener Thread - Received message: OnLastTaskComplete RestartSlave
2014-09-30 10:29:37:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success
2014-09-30 10:29:40:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:29:40:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:29:40:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:29:45:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:29:45:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:29:45:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:29:50:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:29:50:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:29:50:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:29:55:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:29:55:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:29:55:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:30:00:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:30:00:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:30:00:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:30:05:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:30:05:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:30:05:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:30:10:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:30:10:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:30:10:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes
2014-09-30 10:30:16:  Listener Thread - fe80::e9a1:9a73:fd3c:3941%18 has connected
2014-09-30 10:30:16:  Listener Thread - Received message: SlaveStillRunning
2014-09-30 10:30:16:  Listener Thread - Responded with: Success: Yes

Not sure if this is related to the hanging to be honest, but its the only thing in the log after a while

Sidenote, the hanging was due to a different issue.

Since the hanging was due to a different issue, this would be normal behavior. The launcher needs to check in with the slave to see if it’s still running, and will only restart it once it has shut down. It’s done this way to handle the case where there are multiple slaves running on the machine.


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