This is with a ‘sandboxing off’ instance of the slave. The machine is stuck in ‘Starting up’ for 8+ hours (despite timeouts).
The process tree:
last lines of log:
2016-05-20 02:22:03: PYTHON: Overriding config path to: \\\exchange\software\
2016-05-20 02:22:03: 0: INFO: Running max farmHealth cleanup
2016-05-20 02:22:03: PYTHON: scl.max.farmHealth.doCleanup called for max2015
2016-05-20 02:22:03: PYTHON: scl.max.farmHealth.deleteTempScripts called for max2015
2016-05-20 02:22:03: PYTHON: Could not list contents of /home/scanlinevfx/AppData/Local/Autodesk/3dsMax/2015 - 64bit/ENU/usermacros
2016-05-20 02:22:03: 0: INFO: Scanline 3ds Max config file: \\\exchange\software\managed\SoftwareConfiguration\Max2015\ConfigurationSettings\FlowlineDevRelease_LatestVray_Prestart_Max2015_64Bit_Farm.bat
That batch file initializes the max plugin config. It does not run max.