Harmony Scripts and Draft

Hi, I’m evaluating Deadline for use with Harmony. I am already at a point where it seems like I have to customise scripts.

Firstly we use names to activate write nodes, I have managed to add resolutionName to the submitter but had to seperate it into 3 scripts (one for each name) I got quite far adding an enum dropdown to the default submitter but could not determine how to update ResolutionX and ResolutionY when making that change :frowning:

it also turns out that harmony.py I had to change the batch line to be exlcusive - either -res NAME or -res X Y FOV .

Finally (I am using the 2 node licence free mode for now) does that exclude me from using Draft? as we want to render out .mov rushes a lot. Does Draft submitter have to be added to the submitter script?

Hey AnadinX, welcome!

It sounds like we can add that functionality into the Harmony script that we ship, I’ve added it as something to do internally, though it seems you’ve managed to figure it out yourself :smiley:

As for Draft w/ Harmony, I do’nt believe there’s using the trial restricts you from using Draft (but I could be wrong here…). Draft isn’t built into the Harmony, and most other monitor, submitters because we don’t know where the render output will be. Draft relies on having image files to work on, so if we don’t know where they’ll be Draft can’t be used.

However, you should still be able to use the Draft submitter in the Monitor by manually entering the files to work on. Let me know if that helps.
