harmony submission script

It’s not a bug but would it be possible for the deadlineHarmonyClient.js to support linux?

How odd! The official Toonboom website only provide downloads for Windows and OS X for Harmony, yet clearly they have docs for a Linux version?!
docs.toonboom.com/help/harmony/# … Linux.html

I’ll get this logged internally to see if we can support this platform as well for you.

Here’s where I am now. I’ve added a else if for Linux.
I’ve also modify the Client .js

But i’m getting an error " unable to loadscript file /SubmitHarmonyToDeadline.js "

HarmonyIniFilename = "";

function callDeadlineCommand( args )
	var commandLine = "";
	//On OSX, we look for the DEADLINE_PATH file. On other platforms, we use the environment variable.
	if (System.osName == "MacOS")
		var file = new File( "/Users/Shared/Thinkbox/DEADLINE_PATH" );
		deadlineBin = file.read();
		deadlineBin = trim(deadlineBin);
		commandLine = "\"" + deadlineBin + "/deadlinecommand\" ";
	else if (System.osName == "Linux")
		deadlineBin = System.getenv( "DEADLINE_PATH" );
		deadlineBin = trim(deadlineBin);
		commandLine = "\"" + deadlineBin + "/deadlinecommand\" ";
		deadlineBin = System.getenv( "DEADLINE_PATH" );
		deadlineBin = trim(deadlineBin);
		commandLine = "\"" + deadlineBin + "\\deadlinecommand.exe\" ";
	commandArgs = [];
	commandArgIndex = 0;
	commandArgs[commandArgIndex++] = commandLine;
	for( arg in args)
		commandArgs[commandArgIndex++] = args[arg];
	var status = Process.execute(commandArgs);
	var mOut = Process.stdout;
	var result = mOut;
	return result;

function trim(string)
	return string
		.replace( "\n","" )
		.replace( "\r", "" )
		.replace( "^\s+", "" )
		.replace( "\s+$");

function parseBool( value )
	value = value.toLowerCase();
	if( value == "1" || value == "t" || value == "true" )
		return true;
		return false;

function deadlineStringToArray( str )
	str = str.replace( "\r", "" );
	var tempArray = str.split( '\n' );
	var array;
	if( tempArray.length > 0 )
		array = new Array( tempArray.length - 1 );
		// Only loop to second last item in tempArray, because the last item is always empty.
		for( var i = 0; i < tempArray.length - 1; i ++ )
			array[i] = tempArray[i].replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" );
		array = new Array( 0 );
	return array;

function getIniSetting( key, defaultValue )
	var value = defaultValue;
	var filename;
	filename = getIniFile();
	iniFile = File( filename);
	if( iniFile.exists )
		iniFile.open( FileAccess.ReadOnly );
		while( ! iniFile.eof )
			var line = iniFile.readLine();
			var index = line.indexOf( "=" );
			if( index > 0 )
				var currKey = line.substring( 0, index );
				if( currKey == key )
					value = line.substring( index + 1 );
					value = value.trim();
	return value;

function setIniSetting( key, value )
	var iniFileContentsString = "";
	var filename;

	filename = getIniFile();
	iniFile = File( filename );
	if( iniFile.exists )
		iniFile.open( FileAccess.ReadOnly );
		iniFileContentsString = iniFile.read() + "\n";

	var iniFileContents = deadlineStringToArray( iniFileContentsString );

	newIniFile = File( filename );
	newIniFile.open( FileAccess.WriteOnly);
	for( var i = 0; i < iniFileContents.length; i ++ )
		var line = iniFileContents[i];
		if( line.length > 0 )
			var index = line.indexOf( "=" );
			if( index > 0 )
				var currKey = line.substring( 0, index );
				if( currKey != key )
					newIniFile.writeLine( line );
	newIniFile.writeLine( key + "=" + value );

// Sets the global function above so that deadlinecommand only gets called once
// to get the settings directory.
function getIniFile()
	if (HarmonyIniFilename == "" )
		var prefix = callDeadlineCommand(["-GetSettingsDirectory"]);
		prefix = trim(prefix);
		if (System.osName == "MacOS")
			HarmonyIniFilename = prefix + "//harmony_submission.ini";
		else if (System.osName == "Linux")
			HarmonyIniFilename = prefix + "//harmony_submission.ini";
			HarmonyIniFilename = prefix + "\\harmony_submission.ini";
	return HarmonyIniFilename;

function InnerSubmitToDeadline( path )
	// Value to detect if user installed the incorrect script
	sentinal = 1;
	var uiPath = trim(path) + "/SubmitHarmonyToDeadline.ui";
	this.ui = UiLoader.load(uiPath);
	this.getMachineList = function( )
		var originalMachineList = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.machineListBox.text; 
		var machineListString = callDeadlineCommand( ["-selectmachinelist",originalMachineList] );
		if( machineListString.indexOf( "Action was cancelled by user" ) == -1 )
			this.ui.jobOptionsBox.machineListBox.setText( trim( machineListString )  );
	this.getLimits = function( )
		var originalLimits = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.limitsBox.text; 
		var limitsString = callDeadlineCommand( ["-selectlimitgroups",originalLimits] );
		if( limitsString.indexOf( "Action was cancelled by user" ) == -1 )
			this.ui.jobOptionsBox.limitsBox.setText( trim( limitsString )  );
	this.getDependencies = function( )
		var originalDependencies = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.dependenciesBox.text; 
		var dependenciesString = callDeadlineCommand( ["-selectdependencies",originalDependencies] );
		if( dependenciesString.indexOf( "Action was cancelled by user" ) == -1 )
			this.ui.jobOptionsBox.dependenciesBox.setText( trim( dependenciesString )  );
	this.submit = function( )
		results = "";
		tempFolder = "";
		tempFolder = callDeadlineCommand( ["-GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory"] )
		tempFolder = trim( tempFolder )
		if (System.osName == "MacOS")
			tempFolder = tempFolder + "/temp/";
			tempFolder = tempFolder + "\\temp\\";
		sceneFile = scene.currentProjectPath() +"/"+ scene.currentVersionName()+".xstage"
		jobName = this.ui.jobDescriptionGroup.jobNameBox.text;
		comment = this.ui.jobDescriptionGroup.commentBox.text;
		department = this.ui.jobDescriptionGroup.departmentBox.text;
		group = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.groupBox.currentText;
		pool = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.poolBox.currentText;
		secondaryPool = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.secondaryPoolBox.currentText;
		priority = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.priorityBox.value;
		taskTimeout = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.taskTimeoutBox.value;
		limitGroups = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.limitsBox.text;
		concurrentTasks = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.concurrentTasksBox.value;
		jobDependencies = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.dependenciesBox.text;
		onComplete = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.onCompleteBox.currentText;
		machineList = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.machineListBox.text;
		isBlacklist = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.machineListIsBlacklistBox.checked;
		submitSuspended = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.submitSuspendedBox.checked;
		machineLimit = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.machineLimitBox.value;
		chunkSize = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.chunkSizeBox.value;
		frameList = this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.frameListBox.text;
		submitScene = this.ui.jobOptionsBox.submitSceneBox.checked;
		resolutionX = this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.resolutionXBox.value;
		resolutionY = this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.resolutionYBox.value;
		fieldOfView = this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.fieldOfViewBox.value;
		camera = this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.cameraBox.currentText;
		var versionRegex = / (\d+)\.\d+\.\d/;
		versionInformation = about.getVersionInfoStr();
		matches = versionInformation.match( versionRegex );
		version = matches[1]
		jobInfoFilePath = tempFolder+"harmony_submit_info.job"
		var jobInfoFile = new File( jobInfoFilePath );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Name=" + jobName );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Comment=" + comment );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Department=" + department );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Group=" +group );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Pool=" +pool );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "SecondaryPool=" +secondaryPool );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Priority=" +priority );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "TaskTimeoutMinutes=" +taskTimeout );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "LimitGroups=" + limitGroups );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "ConcurrentTasks=" + concurrentTasks );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "JobDependencies=" + jobDependencies );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "OnJobComplete=" + onComplete );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Frames=" + frameList );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "MachineLimit=" + machineLimit );
		jobInfoFile.writeLine( "ChunkSize=" + chunkSize );
		if( isBlacklist )
			jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Blacklist=" + machineList );
			jobInfoFile.writeLine( "Whitelist=" + machineList );
		if( submitSuspended )
			jobInfoFile.writeLine( "InitialStatus=Suspended" );
		pluginInfoFilePath = tempFolder+"harmony_plugin_info.job"
		var pluginInfoFile = new File( pluginInfoFilePath );
		if( !submitScene )
		renderArguments = [];
		renderArgCount = 0;
		renderArguments[renderArgCount++] = jobInfoFilePath;
		renderArguments[renderArgCount++] = pluginInfoFilePath;
		if( submitScene )
			renderArguments[renderArgCount++] = sceneFile;
		results = callDeadlineCommand(renderArguments);
		MessageBox.information( results );
		setIniSetting( "Department", department );
		setIniSetting( "Group",group );
		setIniSetting( "Pool",pool );
		setIniSetting( "SecondaryPool", secondaryPool );
		setIniSetting( "Priority", priority );
		setIniSetting( "MachineLimit", machineLimit );
		setIniSetting( "LimitGroups", limitGroups );
		setIniSetting( "MachineList", machineList );
		setIniSetting( "IsBlacklist", isBlacklist );
		setIniSetting( "SubmitSuspended", submitSuspended );
		setIniSetting( "ChunkSize", chunkSize );
		setIniSetting( "SubmitScene", submitScene );
		setIniSetting( "OnComplete", onComplete );
		setIniSetting( "TaskTimeout", taskTimeout );
		setIniSetting( "ConcurrentTasks", concurrentTasks );
		setIniSetting( "JobDependencies", jobDependencies );
	this.close = function( )
	var initDepartment = getIniSetting( "Department", "" );
	var initGroup = getIniSetting( "Group", "none" );
	var initPool = getIniSetting( "Pool", "none" );
	var initSecondaryPool = getIniSetting( "SecondaryPool", "" );
	var initPriority = parseInt( getIniSetting( "Priority", "50" ) );
	var initMachineLimit = parseInt( getIniSetting( "MachineLimit", 0 ) );
	var initLimitGroups = getIniSetting( "LimitGroups", "" );
	var initMachineList = getIniSetting( "MachineList", "" );
	var initIsBlacklist = parseBool( getIniSetting( "IsBlacklist", "false" ) );
	var initSubmitSuspended = parseBool( getIniSetting( "SubmitSuspended", "false" ) );
	var initChunkSize = parseInt( getIniSetting( "ChunkSize", "1" ) );
	var initSubmitScene = parseBool( getIniSetting( "SubmitScene", "false" ) );
	var initOnComplete = getIniSetting( "OnComplete", "Nothing" );
	var initTaskTimeout = parseInt( getIniSetting( "TaskTimeout", "0" ) );
	var initConcurrentTasks = parseInt( getIniSetting( "ConcurrentTasks", "1" ) );
	resolutionX = scene.currentResolutionX();
	resolutionY = scene.currentResolutionY();
	resolutionFov = scene.defaultResolutionFOV();
	emptyArray = [""];
	cameras = emptyArray.concat( node.getCameras() );
	curCam = cameras.indexOf(node.getDefaultCamera());
	var poolString = callDeadlineCommand( ["-pools"] );
	var pools = deadlineStringToArray( poolString );
	initPoolIndex = pools.indexOf(initPool);
	secondaryPools = [""]
	secondaryPools = secondaryPools.concat(pools)
	initSecondaryPoolIndex = secondaryPools.indexOf(initSecondaryPool);
	var groupString = callDeadlineCommand( ["-groups"] );
	var groups = deadlineStringToArray( groupString );
	initGroupIndex = groups.indexOf(initGroup);
	var maxPriorityString = callDeadlineCommand( ["-getmaximumpriority"] );
	var maximumPriority = parseInt(maxPriorityString);
	if (initPriority > maximumPriority)
		initPriority = Math.round( maximumPriority / 2 );
	this.ui.jobDescriptionGroup.jobNameBox.setText( scene.currentScene() + " - "+scene.currentVersionName() )
	this.ui.jobDescriptionGroup.departmentBox.setText( initDepartment )
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.poolBox.addItems( pools );
	if(initPoolIndex >=0)
		this.ui.jobOptionsBox.poolBox.setCurrentIndex( initPoolIndex );
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.secondaryPoolBox.addItems( secondaryPools );
	if(initSecondaryPoolIndex >=0)
		this.ui.jobOptionsBox.secondaryPoolBox.setCurrentIndex( initSecondaryPoolIndex );
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.groupBox.addItems( groups );
	if(initGroupIndex >= 0)
		this.ui.jobOptionsBox.groupBox.setCurrentIndex( initGroupIndex );
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.priorityBox.maximum = maximumPriority;
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.machineListButton.pressed.connect( this, this.getMachineList );
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.limitsButton.pressed.connect( this, this.getLimits );
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.dependenciesButton.pressed.connect( this, this.getDependencies );
	this.ui.submitButton.pressed.connect( this, this.submit );
	this.ui.closeButton.pressed.connect( this, this.close );
	onCompletes = new Array( 3 );
	onCompletes[0] = "Nothing";
	onCompletes[1] = "Archive";
	onCompletes[2] = "Delete";
	this.ui.jobOptionsBox.onCompleteBox.addItems( onCompletes );
	this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.resolutionXBox.setValue( resolutionX );
	this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.resolutionYBox.setValue( resolutionY );
	this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.fieldOfViewBox.setValue( resolutionFov );
	this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.cameraBox.addItems( cameras );
	if( curCam >= 0 )
		this.ui.renderOptionsGroup.cameraBox.setCurrentIndex( curCam );

Thanks! I’ll add these notes to our internal ticket.