has the tris issue been resolved?


Just a quick follow up on the tri issue. Has this been solved with the latest released of Xmesh? Can you bake and have it appear as quads?


No, this has not changed yet, but it is on our wish list. Currently the only way to save a polymesh in 3ds Max is by using the following MAXScript command:

XMeshSaverUtils.SavePolymesh <node>node <value>filePath <bool>vertsOnly

Please note that this command does not save a Velocity channel, which is required to use the XMesh Loader’s Frame Velocity Offset and Subframe Velocity Offset loading modes.

It took a while, but the Edge Visibility is finally saved and loaded in XMesh MX 1.1.3.
A public beta was posted today: viewtopic.php?f=131&t=8477
You can download it from here: thinkboxsoftware.com/xmesh-d … ta-builds/

Note that you might have to move the FaceEdgeVisibility channel from the left to the right column in the “Save Channels” rollout. Alternatively, press the “Reset To Defaults” button in that rollout.