Help! Can't render my scene.

This one is driving me crazy. Build v1.5.39428

I hit render and it just gets stuck on “Transforming Vertices…” no cpu no memory change, it just hangs there and can’t be cancelled.

If I hide everything render, it finishes. And then I can unhide and render the same prt loader just fine. Change camera, stuck on Transforming Vertices. What’s in my scene that is messing with stability?


I might have fonud the culprit. A FFD sw object? I don’t see how that could cause so much gried.


Can you render out a PRT?

It is strange, but it was reported and logged a couple of weeks ago.
I just tested it and it looks like it is fixed in (Beta 2).
Let us know if that does not fix it.

I didn’t want to install beta2 because you said it breaks something in the ui or something. I have to deliver our project in a few days.

I said that?
I just said that we included a new utility (the Particle Data Viewer) and a new Main Menu item for Krakatoa access but forgot to hook them up in the startup script, so they weren’t exactly visible. In every other aspect, Beta 2 should be superior to Beta 1 and 1.5.1 as it fixes a lot of bugs.

What is left to fix is the shadow casting from matte objects onto voxels and the saving of attenuation maps which is ignoring the matte objects between the light and particles.

Then again, playing it safe might be a smart idea - don’t touch a running system. Who knows what we might have broken… :wink:

ah. I miss read. I thought it was an existing feature that would disappear.

beta2 seems to do something on startup that fails. can’t “set_title() on undefined” or something. error goes away on next boot. I don’t have time to investigate further.

Yes, that error comes from the fact the Menu Creator is trying to add the Particle Data Viewer but the PDV is not loaded.
I fixed both for Beta 3 - the PDV is loaded and the Menu Creator script will have a try()catch() around each item to avoid crashes if the MacroScript is missing.

Sorry for the trouble, I hope it works otherwise.

That reminds me. I could use a tutorial on editing the menu and toolbars via maxscript. I seem to always have trouble getting it right for such a simple task. I’d like to enforce some simple modifications on all stations while preserving local customizations yet removing redundancies.
