Help with density KCM

Hello! I’ve run into something i haven’t tried to do before, and i was curious if someone could put me down the right path.

I saved a PRT sequence from pflow that had a material feeding it color / density. Great. I wanted to know
if there was a logical way of applying a Density by age/lifespan to the particles that aren’t already 0 and
the ones that aren’t get the ramped density ?

does that make sense?

I guess I just haven’t tried to do an IF statement in the KCM before.

(image of the saved PRT)

You can use the “Switch” node for doing “If … Then … Else” stuff. It takes a boolean value (ie. Result of “Less”, “LessOrEqual”, etc. nodes) as its third input, and forwards the first input if the boolean value was true, or forwards the second input if the boolean value was false.

oh bobo! you are so helpful!
Yeah – the switch node is one i haven’t used before, that solves everything perfectly. thanks a million!