hidden vray lights calculating at render time

i have 60 hidden vray lights, is it normal that krakatoa tries to render these?

Max renderers do not have a concept of ignoring hidden lights. Max always renders lights, visible or hidden.
Maya has the concept of not rendering hidden lights. We had a bug logged against Krakatoa MY and are making it behave that way.

The only way not to calculate lights in Max is to turn them off (Light Lister or manually). Not sure if Light Lister supports the VRay lights though.

Or you could try running

for o in Lights do try(o.on = not o.isHiddenInVpt)catch()

This will turn off any lights that are not visible in the viewport for any reason (hidden object, hidden layer etc.)
Unfortunately, some of the VRay lights use the property “enabled” instead of “on”, so it will work with VRayLights but not with the other VRay types.
You will have to take care of them separately:

for o in Lights do try(o.enabled = not o.isHiddenInVpt)catch()

I wish it were consistent.

oh gosh
good to know thanks!

(now i know why vray -global render settings tab- has an option to treat hidden lights as off for render, )

maybe a dropdown like that for krakatoa would do the trick

fortunately i am working on a script which lets me control all objects inside max with procedural ui, so turning all lights off together is just a click
also lets me change materials and modifiers through the ui, so i dont have to open material editor, or command panel,
its much faster


Logged as a wish.
Perhaps we can make it optional in both KMX and KMY to keep them in-sync…