not sure if it´s a bug or on our side, just thought i´ll let you guys now:
When submitting from Hiero, Deadline always renders from frame 0.
The nuke scripts that hiero creates have the correct in/outs though. Deadline basically renders black frames until it reaches the correct in point and then renders the images we want/need.
Here’s the 6.1 version of the submitter, which fixes this bug. I haven’t tested it against 6.0 though, but I imagine it should work. Go to \your\repository\submission\Hiero\Main and backup the existing file (just in case). Then unzip the attached file to the same folder and restart Hiero to load the new script.
If you run into any problems with the new script, let us know!
Does Hiero have a console window? If it does, I imagine any python error messages should show up there. If you see any error messages that appear when you try to run the script, please post them and we’ll have a look.
Appending “/Volumes/deadlinerepository//submission/Hiero/Main” to system path to import SubmitHieroToDeadline module
Importing DeadlineRenderSubmission module
Adding ‘Submit to Deadline’ submission option to Export window
Loading settings: /Users/timor.kardum/.hiero/deadline_settings.ini
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/Hiero1.7v3/…/Plugins/site-packages/hiero/core/”, line 538, in createAndExecuteProcessor
File “/Volumes/deadlinerepository//submission/Hiero/Main/”, line 163, in initialise
maximumPriority = int(output)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘Bad submission arguments\n’
Yup, that helps! I forgot about the new maximum priority feature of 6.1. Attached is an updated script that should catch that error and just fallback to the default maximum of 100.
Install it the same way you did before. Let me know if this works! (4.69 KB)