HOU - KARMA Standalone Submitter

Hi there,
I am fairly new to rendering with Deadline and also Karma. I still have some questions I cannot get hold off, maybe someone can help?!

  1. My renderings, even with Karma Standalone are still taking long compared to rendering within Houdini. It still takes alot of time to start Karma - render - close Karma which I thought was the benefit of Karma standalone to begin with?! If I submit 100 Frames it will create 100 Karma Jobs instead of 1 Karma job which distributes 100 Frames to the worker? AM I wrong here?

  2. Following 1) - can’t I specify how many frames one Karma Instance will render? I only can specify concurrent tasks and not how many frames one job will process… Can I somehow do this by argument?

  3. Can’t I use another render engine for my Karma Renderjobs? I want to use Arnold but my frames are empty when I render. Can it be done or is this not possible at all?

  4. My setups render fastest when I submit a normal Houdini job when I check “Render all frames in one process” and then up the frames per job… I try to balance out so that enough jobs are available that faster worker never run out but also that scene loading times are not too huge compared to my rendertime…

Do you guys have any insights, tips, or correction of my post?

I thank you for your time in advance.

Regards, j