Houdini 17 support

Hello, any ETA on update where Houdini 17 will be supported, or maybe some fast in between solution in the mean time?
Thank you!

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No ETA just yet. I’m not sure what changed yet, but if have Houdini installed you can try the trusty method of adding some fields to “[repo]/plugins/Houdini/Houdini.param” after you’ve safely backed it up. You would want to find this section:

Label=Houdini 16.5 Hython Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.5.000\bin\Hython.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.5.000\bin\Hython.exe;/Applications/Houdini/Houdini16.5.000/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/16.5.000/Resources/bin/hython
Description=The path to the hython executable. It can be found in the Houdini bin folder.

Copy it, and change the 16 and 5 to 17 and 0. This is technically unsupported but safe to do.

Is anyone willing to crash test that one?

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Thank you for sharing this work around. How would you setup the dedicated submitter for Houdini 17? I took care of creating a plugin inside Monitor. Thanks again. Have a great one!

Thomas Sanchez
Render Wrangler / Data Management Specialist
Ayzenberg Group

Just tested this right now and got the following error.


Error: GetConfigEntry: Attempted to access non-existent config key: Houdini17_0_Hython_Executable (Deadline.Plugins.RenderPluginException)
at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.GetConfigEntry(String key)
at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.TrueDispatch(ArrayList args)
at Python.Runtime.Dispatcher.Dispatch(ArrayList args)
at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.RenderExecutable()
at FranticX.Processes.ManagedProcess.Execute(Boolean waitForExit)
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

This means that the plugin couldn’t find the changes you made. It’s looking for your change of this:


to this:


Thanks, Edwin. Came across this thread and my initial tests here works fine!

I changed both Houdini.params and Mantra.params files as described. Set the Houdini Submitter installer to install to Houdini 17.0 and there was one last thing I needed to fix.

In C:\Users<User>\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\submitters\HoudiniSubmitter
I needed to edit MainMenuCommon.xml to use regular slash instead of backslashes in the path.

Now back to rolling out H17 across our farm and figure out how the denoiser works :slight_smile:

That’s pretty much what we’ve found on our side as well. The official release will be in an upcoming build, but if you encounter difficulties, do let us know.



with build, i did all Tronotrond did, but i’ve got this message :

hou.Error: Could not import the hou python module

(works fine with 16.5 )


This sounds more like a Houdini configuration issue. I looked into the plugin and we’re not modifying the environment in any way.

The error means that Houdini couldn’t import it’s core Python library (named ‘hou’). I did some quick Googling and hopefully this’ll help:

I’d also make sure Houdini’s able to load on the render machines that threw that error. If it does, try rebooting to have Deadline Launcher reload its environment and when it re-launches the Slave everything should be happy.

adding H17 in Houdini.param is working :wink: at least with mantra

Deadline Command 10.0 [v10.0.21.5 Release (7cef63955)]
Submitting to Repository: \\\configs\DEAD\DeadlineRepository10
Submission Contains No Auxiliary Files.
The job was submitted successfully.
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thanks for the answer,

i tried on another computer, and i’ve got the same error message (with mantra) :

STDOUT: Traceback (most recent call last):

2018-10-17 21:08:06: 0: STDOUT: File "<string>", line 8, in <module>

2018-10-17 21:08:06: 0: STDOUT: File "C:/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.352/houdini/python2.7libs\hou.py", line 68007, in <module>

2018-10-17 21:08:06: 0: STDOUT: __createHoudiniInternals()

2018-10-17 21:08:06: 0: STDOUT: hou.Error: Could not import the hou python module

2018-10-17 21:08:06: 0: STDOUT: Error: Caught exception: [’ File “C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\slave\xxxxxxxx\plugins\5bc7888e3e38300afcb7b0eb\hrender_dl.py”, line 36, in <module>\n print( "Detected Houdini version: " + str( hou.applicationVersion() ) )\n’, “NameError: name ‘hou’ is not defined\n”]

Just curious how did you configured the submitter ? are you sure it’s ok ?

here is a subset of my houdini.env placing all submiter files somewhere “otls/python2.7libs/soho deadlinehoudiniclient.py and mainmenucommon.xml”

and modifiy your MainMenuCommon.xml with

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ok, thanks for your help,

and my bad, i just realize that it was a redshift problem with hython (even rendering with mantra).


I tested without RS, and all is ok,

thanks again,

Just an update here as a few tickets have come in, you can sign up to be informed of the next Deadline release over here:

Still waiting on 10.0.22 to ship, but it should be soon assuming no hangups.

I was able to get the Hython executable to show up under Configure Plugins>Houdini following this thread, but under Submit Houdini Job to Deadline, the version options only count up to 16.5. Is there anything I can do to solve that?

Hey Tim,

If you want to use the monitor submitter you will also need to edit the following file at line 119.


scriptDialog.AddComboControlToGrid(“VersionBox”,“ComboControl”,"14.0 (“9.0”,“10.0”,“11.0”,“12.0”,“13.0”,“14.0”,“15.0”,“15.5”,“16.0”,“16.5”,“17.0”), 5, 1)

Adding “17.0” will give you the new value in the submitter.

